Turn the shine on your Inquisitor’s lips down to zero.Make your Inquisitor’s chin longer than you think you need to. This name generator will give you 10 names fit for the elven race of the Dragon Age universe.Set your Inquisitor’s eyes farther apart than the default in almost every case.Oh, and if you don’t have the patience for 5 minute video tutorials, the key takeaways are: I also tried to keep true to their Elven characteristics so they didn’t just look like humans with pointy ears, but I don’t know if I was successful (I think my male elf ended up looking a lot like Anders from DA:2).

Making Elf Inquisitors is extra challenging because their default character faces tend to be really long, and keeping their facial features in proportion is a challenge. As a follow-up to my popular Human Inquisitor tutorial, here are two tutorials to show you how to make a cute-as-hell male and female Elf Inquisitor.